Emotional Sad Quotes
Sadness – something we don’t encourage or want to feel – comes to us from time to time. It is a normal part of life. But sometimes it helps to know that others are going through (or have gone through) the same thing. Since that means things will get better, start researching. If you’re going through a tough time or experiencing a loss, oddly enough, this list of sad quotes will bring you some comfort and companionship.. Emotional sad quotes helps you to express your feelings perfectly.
Feeling sad is a normal part of everyday life. But feeling sad or letting sadness take over is inappropriate and unusual. You may feel like nothing is going right, but now is not the time to despair. It’s time to find your best side. Beautiful quotes or even sad quotes that will make you feel positive about life can comfort you during these difficult times and give you strength as you share them with the world.
An episode of depression can affect anyone, and prioritizing your mental health with the support of professionals and loved ones is always a top priority. There are ways to help if someone in your life is experiencing this, but ultimately mental health resources like therapy and talking to a doctor are the best ways to overcome depression.
If we’re still trying to get through a particularly difficult time, we often turn to works of art created by others (song lyrics, movies, TV shows, poetry, etc.) to help us feel better. Help to feel the need. That’s why we’ve compiled 35 sad quotes that can resonate with anyone who needs to feel hope and understand. Quotes Hub

- Behind every sweet smile, there is a bitter sadness that no one can ever see or feel.
- Although the world is full of suffering.it is full also of the overcoming of it.
- The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love , Love some one else.
- Its is better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all.
Sad Contents
How Sad Quotes Can Help With Healing
While we all love excitement and positivity in life, sometimes we face deep emotional issues and obstacles. When we have such unfortunate moments in our lives, it can be difficult to be optimistic or generally cheerful. Whether you’re dealing with the loss of a friend or family member, a divorce, a layoff, or another difficult day in your life, this collection of sad quotes will help you express your feelings clearly. .It may seem counterintuitive, but when you’re going through a tough time and sad songs aren’t helping you cope, you may want to read these quotes about love, life, and loss where you’ll see that you’re not alone. . Famous writers, actors, singers, poets, etc. It’s nice to know that you even feel similar feelings. Share the quote on your social media profiles, print a few and paste them somewhere, or scan this list for some help. with your healing. If you are looking for more heartfelt quotes and messages, we also have happy quotes, inspirational quotes and inspirational quotes.
Sad quotes can help us feel better when we are sad. It shows us that others feel the same way we do, and it helps us feel less alone. Reading these quotes can help us release our emotions, such as when we cry, and feel better afterwards.
Making posters with these quotes can be very fun and rewarding. It’s like turning our emotions into a picture we can see. To do this, we can use a quote poster maker. This is a tool that helps us put words in beautiful background. Surprise to all Viewers.

Sad Quotes
- It always leads to happiness through pain.
- Be patient and tough , some day this pain will be useful for you.
- A broken heart is the worst , Its like having broken ribs, Nobody can see it but it hurts every time you breathe.
- Just because a relationship end, It doesn’t mean its not worth having.
- The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love , Love some one else.
- Its is better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all.
- I cannot give up my honor for your love. You can keep your love, and I will keep my respect.
- Never let someone be your priority while you let them be their priority.
- The truth is that everyone will hurt you. You just need to find the people you are suffering for.
- Pain makes you stronger, fear makes you braver, heart break makes you wiser.
- Don’t say the world owes you your life. The world owes you nothing. This was my first time here.
- It doesn’t hurt to feel sad from time to time
- The word happy would loose its happy if it were not balanced by sadness.

New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.
Although the world is full of suffering , it is full also of the overcoming of it.
So its true when all is said and done , grief is the price we pay for love..
Tonight I can write the saddest lines, I loved her and sometimes she loved me too.
The hottest love has the coldest end..

The Walls we build around us to keep sadness out, also keep out the joy..
Things changes. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody..
One day they will realize they lost a diamond while playing with worthless stones..
I wish I were a little girl again, because skinned knees are easier to fix than broken heart..
Love is unconditional , Relationships are not..
The Hardest thing i ever do walk away still loving you..

- It is always by way of pain one arrives at pleasure.
- Imagine smiling after a slap in the face .T hen think of doing twenty-hours a day.
Sad Quotes Makes You Cry
>Tears are words that mouth cant say nor can the heart bear….
>The Worst Kind Of Pain is when your smiling just to stop tears falling from …
>It`s sad when someone you know becomes some one you knew…
>Sometimes you have to smile and pretend everything is okay .Hold back the tears and walk away..
>The only thing worse then being lonely is remembering when you weren’t…
>Tears comes from the heart not from the brain..
>Its hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember..
>In the end we only regret, the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we we were afraid to have and the decisions we were waited too long to make…
>The saddest thing in the world , is loving someone who used to love you.
Sad Quotes About Pain
- Pain is the silent scream of a heart that can`t be heard..
- Every wound leaves a scar, And every scar tells a story, A story that’s says I survived..
- The deepest pain I ever felt was denying my own feelings to make everyone else comfortable..
- Pain changes people, It makes them Trustless ,Overthink more and Shut people out..
- Behind my smile is a hurting heart, Behind my laugh I am falling apart..
- The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow, but today it just hurt..
- Its kind of a pain that doesn’t have a name, the one that eats away your soul.
- Pain is the price for love we pay, and sometimes that price is too high..
- In the end the pain you feel is the reflection of love you gave.
Sad Love Quotes
Not being able to love is sad, but not being able to love is also painful.
I gave you my heart but all you gave me was a broken one.
Loving you was like a battle I could never win, yet I kept fighting.
I never knew how much it would hurt to loose someone who was never really mine.
We were a story that ended before it even began.
Its painful the person you love becomes stranger for you in your life
In the end all i have are memories of what we could have been
What are the saddest quotes ever?
- Tears are words that mouth cant say nor can the heart bear….
- The Worst Kind Of Pain is when your smiling just to stop tears falling from …
- It`s sad when someone you know becomes some one you knew…
- Sometimes you have to smile and pretend everything is okay .Hold back the tears and walk away..
- The only thing worse then being lonely is remembering when you weren’t…
- Tears comes from the heart not from the brain..
- Its hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember..
- In the end we only regret, the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we we were afraid to have and the decisions we were waited too long to make…
- The saddest thing in the world , is loving someone who used to love you.
What are emotional pain quotes?
- If you never heal from what hurt you, you will bleed on people who didn’t cut you.
- I push people away because I am afraid I might not heal again if I get hurt.
What is a deep sad feeling Quote?
But sadness sometimes makes us monsters. . . Sometimes you say and do things to the people you love that you can’t forgive yourself for. There are times when I want to turn back time and eliminate all the sadness, but I realize that if I do that, the happiness will also disappear.
When emotions hurt you ?
Emotional pain can often be as intense as physical pain, sometimes causing symptoms of pain throughout the body. It can have a detrimental effect on mental health in the short and long term. Therefore, it is important to get proper help and treatment.
What is hurt feeling ?
Unhappiness or sadness caused by someone words or actions.